Jeff Morrison
Senior Vice President, GM Global Purchasing and Supply Chain (GPSC)
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Welcome to the New GM SupplyPower!
Featuring a fresh design and enhanced site navigation capabilities, we believe this new platform will greatly improve your experience and streamline your interactions with General Motors.
Click the below links to access training related to identity and access management, site navigation, and frequently asked questions!
Thank you for your support and engagement!
GM SupplyPower Team
Jeff Morrison
Senior Vice President, GM Global Purchasing and Supply Chain (GPSC)
July 07, 2024
Dear Supplier Partners,
Welcome to the all new GM SupplyPower! We know that GM SupplyPower is an important tool for you, and we’ve heard from many of you of how we can make it better. We listened and are pleased to announce a more user-friendly SupplyPower is now available!
You now have access to the all-new GM SupplyPower, featuring a fresh design and enhanced site navigation capabilities. We believe this new platform will greatly improve your experience and streamline your interactions with General Motors.
We sincerely appreciate your engagement and support throughout this process. We are confident the new GM SupplyPower platform will further strengthen our relationship and enable us to work together more efficiently.
Thank you for your continued collaboration!
Best regards,
Jeff Morrison
GM announces 2024 Q4 and full-year earnings conference call detailsGeneral Motors (NYSE: GM) will release its fourth quarter and full year 2024 financial results on Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2025, at approximately 6:30 a.m. ET, followed by a conference call at 8:30 a.m. ET.
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GM Supplypower